How I Smudge with Sage


Some simples steps I follow for smudging are:⁣
-Gather the items: sage, caldron, sea shell or vessel for burning sage, fire source (matches or lighter) and a feather/fanning tool⁣

-Open a door or window before you start to create a pathway for the smoke and negative energy to exit⁣

-Set your intention or say a mantra before lighting. Determine what you want to purify or release and repeat your prayer or mantra as you 'clear' the space. I like to set my intention on releasing all negativity and let go of all that does not serve me and invite in goodness and positivity⁣

-Light your sage, let it burn slightly to see the orange embers on one end but the smoke should not billow up⁣

-Slowly move around your space and allow the smoke to waft around and cleanse the areas you want to release negative and stagnant energy. You can also sage yourself, allowing the smoke to wash over you, clearing stagnant energy from yourself or where you may carry the energy of others (i.e. hands, throat)⁣

-When done, be sure to stamp out your sage entirely (do not put out in water, it can ruin your sage)⁣

-Continue to fill your space with love, positivity and good intentions⁣

There are no rules when to smudge. If you are feeling your energy is blah or your space feels stagnant, create a ritual that works for you, get your smudge on, and release⁣

What is one thing you'd like to release today? is it a negative feeling, experience, person or thought that is no longer serving you?

As I've gotten older, wiser and more in-tune with myself and my spirituality, I've learned that energy is so important. Sometimes energy can get stagnant and it needs to be cleared to create space for fresh and renewed energy⁣

Burning sage for smudging is an ancient spiritual ritual and is one of the ways I like to clear old, stagnant energy and invite newness into my life. Smudging can be good to release past traumas, grief, or negative energies from others, as well as, promote healing, wisdom, creativity, deeper connection to self & spirit. I like to do this to rid myself/my space of negativity, to let go of anything that is not serving me, neutralize my space and/or invite in the new⁣

Teresa Ichsan